Manohar Lal Khattar, the chief minister of Haryana, stated on Monday that the state’s BJP-led administration has been in power for eight and a half years and has initiated several public welfare programmes while also ensuring their rigorous execution. During a ‘Jan Samvad’ programme with residents of Jhansa village in Kurukshetra district, he also emphasised the opening of medical colleges in every district and claimed that this had further strengthened the health system.
“For the past eight and a half years, the present state government, while following the motto of ‘Haryana Ek-Haryanvi Ek’ and upholding the spirit of ‘antyodaya’, has not only launched several public welfare schemes but has also ensured their meticulous implementation at the grassroots,” Khattar said. The chief minister said ‘Haryana Ek-Haryanvi Ek’ is not just a slogan for him but his resolution.
“Compared to the previous government (in the state), our government’s tenure will always have an upper hand in terms of both development works and providing state-of-the-art health facilities to citizens,” he said at the “Jan Samvad,” according to an official statement issued here.
“Our government has ensured direct benefits to the actual beneficiaries, apart from ensuring infrastructural development and the reach of public welfare schemes to beneficiaries at their doorsteps,” Khattar said. Khattar started the ‘Jan Samvad’ programme in Rohtak district last year, and after that, the programme was organised in Sirsa, Sonipat, Karnal, Fatehabad, Bhiwani, and Palwal districts.
During ‘Jan Samvads’, people share their grievances with the chief minister, and he directs officials to resolve their problems on the spot. Chief Minister Khattar said that in 2014, there were only 750 MBBS seats in Haryana, and this has now increased to 1,850. The government is focusing on rural development, and work is being done in a transparent manner through e-tendering, he said. Khattar also laid the foundation stone for development works worth Rs 6.38 crore for Phase 2 of the new grain market in Jhansi.