The Yuvajana Sramika Rythu Telangana Party (YSRTP) chief YS Sharmila was detained by the police during a protest in Delhi, against the Telangana government. “I am here today to throw light on the biggest scam in the country, the Kaleshwaram Lift Irrigation Project scam. We will march to the Parliament to show how big this scam is,” YS Sharmila said. Sharmila was staging the protest alleging irregularities in Kaleshwaram Lift Irrigation Project, a multipurpose irrigation project on Godavari River in Telangana.
Earlier Sharmila said, “The project cost was escalated from Rs 38,500 crores to Rs 1.20 lakh crores but yesterday; the BRS Minister claimed only 1.5 lakh acres of land had been irrigated. This shows that Kaleshwaram is the biggest flop show but filled the pockets of one contractor and one family.”
“KCR’s redesign conspiracy itself was motivated by his intention to loot the exchequer, and the project quality was so poor that it crumbled within three years. While 2 TMCs per day could be utlised, they did not even close it with half-a-TMC, proving that the entire 1.20 lakh crores of rupees were down in the drain,” Sharmila added.
Stating that only the YSR Telangana Party is the only party to fight against the project, she said that she will continue the “war” until the Parliament takes up the matter.