Union Finance Minister Nirmala Sitharaman, met with Gina Raimondo, the US Secretary of Commerce, on Thursday in New Delhi to go over India’s G20 priorities and other topics of interest. According to a tweet from the official account of the Union finance ministry, FM Sitharaman and the US Secretary of Commerce also discussed ways to improve their bilateral collaboration to further advance trade and investment in mutually agreed-upon areas. The two presidents also praised the extensive and complex ties between India and the US, which are built on solid business and financial ties.
Union Education Minister Dharmendra Pradhan on Thursday also held a meeting with the US Secretary of Commerce, discussing strengthening of cooperation between the two nations in the spheres of education and skill development. The office of Dharmendra Pradhan shared details regarding the meeting between the Union minister and Gina Raimondo on Twitter. Office of Dharmendra Pradhan tweeted, “Minister @dpradhanbjp and United States Secretary of Commerce, @SecRaimondo meet in New Delhi to boost educational and skill development linkages between India and the U.S.”
Raimondo, who is in India on an official visit, will participate in the India-USA Commercial Dialogue and CEO Forum on 10 March to discuss cooperation in various sectors that could unlock new trade and investment opportunities between the two nations, the Union Ministry of Commerce and Industry stated in a press release.
Further, according to the release, “Commercial Dialogue is a cooperative undertaking encompassing regular government-to-government meetings to be held in conjunction with private sector meetings, with an aim to facilitate trade, and maximize investment opportunities across a broad range of economic sectors.”