In a new case that the National Investigation Agency (NIA) has taken over this month, 149 Counterfeit Indian currency notes of the denomination of Rs 2,000 were smuggled, and the accused were given instructions by an unidentified Pakistani man known only as “Uncle” and a Malaysian WhatsApp number with the prefix “+60146950130.” After Riyaz Abdul Rahiman Shikilkar was detained by the Mumbai Police Crime Branch and a total of 149 Counterfeit Indian Currency Notes of the denomination of Rs 2,000 were seized from his possession, the case of Fake Indian Currency Notes (FICN) was taken over by the Central agency almost 14 months later.
As the case relates to an attempt to damage the monetary stability of India by way of smuggling and circulation of High-Quality Counterfeit Indian Currency Notes, the Ministry of Home Affairs (MHA) Counter Terrorism and Counter Radicalization (CTCR) division handed over the case to the NIA on 6 February, 2023. ‘Uncle’ name was revealed during Shikilkar’s interrogation by the Bombay Crime Branch after he was apprehended on 17 November, 2021 in Thane.
According to the NIA’s First Information Report (FIR) filed earlier this month by its Mumbai wing, Shikilkar revealed during the interrogation that the notes recovered from his possession were given to him by an unidentified person referred to as “uncle,” who is a resident of Pakistan.