Kerala Revenue Minister K Rajan on Thursday said that strict action would be taken against people involved in the mishandling of Chief Minister’s Distress Relief Fund (CMDRF).
Rajan made the statement after the Vigilance and Anti-Corruption Bureau found agents and some officers involved in distributing CMDRF funds to undeserving candidates with fake medical certificates. K Rajan said, “Will take action based on the report.
The funds will be distributed to the deserving only. We will not let go if someone has mishandled the fund. Staunch actions will be taken. CMDRF funds are usually distributed after undergoing lower-level scrutinizing.”
The Minister’s statement comes after Opposition leader VD Satheesan alleged irregularities and fraud in CM Relief Fund and demanded a probe by the SIT.
“Vigilance and Anti-Corruption Bureau, Kerala (VACB) unearthed the unholy alliance between officials and agents posing as middlemen across various collectorates in the state to allocate funds to undeserving applicants, from the chief minister’s distress relief fund (CMDRF),” he said.
“After the preliminary examination of the Vigilance in the state, it has been found fraudulence in the distribution of CM Relief Fund.
This is very unfortunate,” he added.
Demanding to constitute a Special Investigation Team to investigate into the matters, he said, “During the investigation, if they found any partymen, they will try to save them. That is the real thing happening in all cases in Kerala. So we are really observing what is happening.”
He stated that there are some agents in various collectorates and are submitting fake applications as well as getting fake