Arunachal Pradesh Police launched a first solo major operation against an insurgent group ENNG in the general area of Lungpang, Changlang district near the Indo-Myanmar Border on Thursday, police said.
During the operation, the police recovered arms and ammunition including AK 47 rifle, hand grenade among others.
The police said that in the operation conducted on Wednesday there were five suspected insurgents who were spotted.
“The nefarious activities of ENNG as an insurgent group has been on the radar of the APP for a few months now. To counter the threat posed by them, a strategy was evolved for necessary action. On the operation conducted yesterday, 5 suspected insurgents were spotted. Thus, in today’s operation, a controlled offensive in the camp was mounted. As a result, the UGs were forced to abandon the camp and retreat,” the police said. As operation stopped, the camp was searched for evidence, which resulted in recovery of a sizeable cache of weapons, ammos, and other war-like supplies.
“The recoveries include one AK 47 rifle, M-16 Rifle, and a hand grenade each, 104 numbers of AK 47 7.62 mm rounds, 23 nos. 5.56 mm rounds, 4 nos. of AK 47 7.62 mm ammo magazines and 20 Lighters, two daos, one WT communication set along with charger and a PAN card under the name of Anthony Taidong. After the incident, AP police destroyed and burned down the insurgent camp.