A local court in Mumbai has sent social media influencer Sapna Gill, who was arrested in the case of alleged attack on cricketer Prithvi Shaw’s car and manhandling him, to police custody till 20 February. She was produced before Andheri Court by Oshiwara Police. Mumbai’s Oshiwara Police has detained two more people in the case and they are being questioned.
Shaw was allegedly manhandled and his car was attacked with a baseball bat outside a hotel in the Santacruz area of Mumbai, following an argument with the woman social media influencer and her friend Shobit Thakur after the batter refused to click more selfies with the influencer.
The incident took place in the early hours of Wednesday. A complaint about the incident was filed by Shaw’s friend Ashish Yadav, who is his flatmate for the last three years and runs a cafe.
The Oshiwara Police arrested Gill on Thursday and seven others have been booked for allegedly trying to intimidate the cricketer by damaging his car and threatening to implicate him in a fake case.