Balkaur Singh, father of Punjabi slain singer Sidhu Moosewala, met people at his Haveli in village Moosa after undergoing treatment for heart problem, he lambasted at the Punjab government and said that he would be roaming on the streets of Punjab by keeping the picture of Sidhu Moosewala in bullets’ riddled Thar.
Balkaur Singh said that he has still not got the windshield of Sidhu Moosewala’s car changed. He will roam around in the same bullets’ holed car carrying a picture of Sidhu Moosewala and tell the people about the law and order of Punjab. Balkaur Singh further added that If the law and order of Punjab is so good, then why CM Mann has given 40 gunmen and jammers to his wife.
Balkaur Singh said that he has requested the government 4-5 times to interrogate Baltej Pannu, which is not yet done. Balkaur Singh Sidhu stated further that if Pannu cannot be questioned then the government should inform him and he would go away quietly. Balkaur Singh also took a dig at the 500 Mohalla clinics opened in the state during this period. He used to say that you keep opening mohalla clinics, but patients die on the way.