Union Minister of Civil Aviation Jyotiraditya Scindia graced the stage of India’s Biggest Conclave ‘India News Manch’ at the Constitution Club, New Delhi.
While speaking about the Covid situation, Scindia said “Because each country was concerned about their own safety, no one came together as a united world to combat the situation with medicines or other precautions. However, India was the only country that took the initiative to help the world while also caring for its own people. In a state where no vaccines were ever produced, we produced two vaccines and assisted 110 countries in a short period of time.”
According to the Minister, with PM Modi’s assistance, India is now recognised around the world.
Speaking further about the rising covid situation, he stated “This is a dynamic situation, not a static one. Nobody needs to change their plans, but they should exercise extreme caution.”
“India’s current situation is stable, but given China’s disaster, we must exercise caution because BF.7 is a variant of omicron. We are checking for updates every 6 hours” he added.
Regarding the aviation crisis, he stated that during Covid times, planes were grounded and airlines were in a dire situation. “We have begun a v-shape recovery for the aviation industry—we have completely ended the pre-covid hike. The demand for air travel is increasing, and airlines, as a supplier, want to convey the consumer demand in order to offset the loss caused by covid” he claimed.