Delhi’s Lieutenant Governor Vinai Kumar Saxena has directed the Delhi Subordinate Services Selection Board (DSSSB), to recruit group ‘B’ and ‘C’ non-judicial subordinate staff for the Delhi High Court.
Saxena overruled impediments to the effect that the DSSSB was mandated only to recruit for GNCTD, MCD, NDMC, and other Delhi Government undertakings, in light of the express need of staffing the Court adequately for the purpose of speedy disposal of cases.
“The move, aimed at expeditiously staffing the mostly understaffed judiciary increasingly burdened by rising cases, will help in addressing the problem of pending cases in the Court due to procedural and logistical delays, by providing ample support staff,” a statement from the LG office said.
The Chief Justice of Delhi High Court had desired that the DSSSB, being a professional government recruiting body, may organise and conduct open examinations on behalf of the Hon’ble Court for certain posts, examinations for selection that are conducted by some outside agencies, according to different modes of recruitment at present.