Speaker Appavu on Tuesday ordered the eviction of Tamil Nadu Opposition Leader Edappadi K Palaniswami and other AIADMK MLAs amid a ruckus in the Assembly. The opposition leaders continued to create a ruckus even after the eviction orders.
“No one has any right to demand where one should be seated inside the assembly,” Speaker Appavu said. He added that tomorrow the AIADMK members can attend assembly sessions but not today.
The Speaker had given assurance that he will give time after Question Hour to raise the issue of seating arrangement for the Deputy Leader of the Opposition. As per the present seating arrangement, both EPS and O Paneerselvam (OPS) sit in the front row together in their capacity as the Leader of Opposition (LoP) and Deputy LoP respectively.
“Before today’s assembly session Edappadi Palaniswami and some MLAs met me in my room. They gave four letters to me which they have already sent to me. At the same time regarding AIADMK election case is going on in the Supreme Court. Both EPS and OPS expressed their side to me. But only the Speaker has the right to decide,” Appavu said.