Chief Minister Pushkar Singh Dhami met with seven ambassadors of India posted in different nations on Monday at his residence. Various topics were discussed between the Chief Minister and the ambassadors on this occasion, said an official statement.
“Cooperation of ambassadors would be taken to promote ‘One District Two Products’ of the state in different countries. More efforts are needed to make people aware of the local products of Uttarakhand in different countries,” CM Dhami said. “Uttarakhand has many possibilities in the field of tourism, industry and horticulture. The state government is making continuous efforts to promote them,” he said.
The Chief Minister asked all the ambassadors to inform the officials of the Uttarakhand government about the best practices of the countries in which they are working. The Chief Minister directed the government officials to make a complete documentation of the suggestions received in the meetings with ambassadors on various subjects today and tomorrow. He further gave instructions to the officers to make an action plan by implementing these suggestions to make Uttarakhand one of the best states in the country.