In a bizarre incident, a priest from Rajasthan’s Kota was attacked and his ear was chewed off, following an altercation with members of a family in Indore who had invited him to their house to perform a puja. Three persons have been arrested in this connection, police said.
A case has been registered against one Lakshminarayan Sharma and his two sons, Vipul Sharma and Arun Sharma, in the area of Chandan Nagar Police Station based on a complaint filed by the priest, Kunj Bihari Sharma.
The incident took place on Saturday when the priest, Kunj Bihari Sharma, a resident of Kota who was invited to perform ‘Satyanarayan Katha’ at his house, was attacked by Vipul Sharma, who chewed his ear off.
According to ASI Vinod Kumar, “Kunj Bihari Sharma, a resident of Kota, Rajasthan, had performed Satyanarayan Katha at Laxminarayan Sharma’s house for his son Arun Sharma—who is said to be mentally unstable—a few days ago. After this, his son Arun’s condition started deteriorating, and Lakshmi Narayan Sharma again called Pandit Kunj Bihari to his house on 30 September. There was an argument between the priest and him. During this, Vipul Sharma, chewed off the ear of Kunj Bihari Sharma.”
“Following this incident, the priest reached the police station and lodged a complaint against the three”, ASI Vinod Kumar said.
All the three accused were arrested on 1 October.