Following a deadly explosion at an education centre in Kabul on Saturday, a large number of students took to the streets of the city on Saturday. Some of them were said to be the survivors of the deadly blast.
Some of the survivors of the ghastly attack at the Kaaj Educational Center that resulted in 60 deaths and injuries to several others reportedly took part in the protests, Khaama Press reported. As per local media, the student protestors were also repressed by the Taliban, and the terror outfit reportedly used shafts as well as electric duty gear to disperse the students and beat the protestors.
The protests went on from the Pol-e-Sokhta area of Kabul to the Mohammad Ali Jinnah hospital, according to Khaama Press.
Meanwhile, numerous Kabul women from Afghanistan’s minority Hazara community on Saturday protested in the country’s capital against the terror attack at the Kaaj Educational Center. The female protestors dressed in black chanted slogans against the genocide of minorities and demanded their rights.
Friday’s blast follows many recent attacks against civilians and civilian infrastructure across Afghanistan, including in religious minority communities. Families of victims and local residents raised security concerns and called on the Taliban to ensure the safety of the public and punish those responsible after the ghastly attack at an education centre in Kabul left 60 people dead.