Infamous gangster Neeraj Bawana’s father was arrested Thursday night by Outer-North District Police. The father of “incarcerated” gangster Neeraj Bawana was arrested by the Outer-North District Police on charges of illegal weapon possession, according to Delhi police.
Outer-North District police conducted a raid on the accused’s house and arrested him there. The Outer-North district police, however, had arrested Sonu, a member of the Neeraj Bawana gang, on September 16 and recovered a bulletproof Scorpio and SUV along with the huge quantity of arms and cartridges. The police found that the car was registered in the name of Neeraj Bawana’s relative and started their investigations further. Following this, the police arrested Neeraj’s father and indicted him for possessing illegal weapons.
Earlier this month, the arrested member of Neeraj Bawana’s gang, Sonu, was trying to execute a crime, police officials said. “Acting on information, we recovered 79 live cartridges, 4 country-made weapons, and two vehicles, including one bulletproof vehicle. Both the cars are registered in the name of a relative of gangster Neeraj Bawana,” DCP Outer-North Devesh Kumar underlined.