A Bihar court has issued a non-bailable warrant against Padma Shri Ekta Kapoor, who has made her mark with Saas Bhi Kabhi Bahu Thi, and her mother Shobha Kapoor. Filmmaker-director Ekta Kapoor’s XXX series Season 2 has brought to light how soldiers and their families are being hurt by military uniforms and the wrong display of soldiers. The Begusarai resident had filed a petition with the court, in which many objectionable scenes of the soldier’s wife were shown.
Despite the notice sent in 2020, Ekta and actor Jitendra’s wife Shobha Kapoor did not appear in court, after which the court had to issue this warrant.
Cases have been filed against Ekta Kapoor in different places across the country for her bold Web syringe. The Cyber Branch of the Mumbai Police also issued a notice on Ekta last year. When The Daily Guardian contacted Ekta’s lawyer, Shyam Devani, in Mumbai, he refused to speak. The sword of arrest hangs on Ekta and her mother, Shobha Kapoor, after the warrant is issued.
Ekta has always been involved in controversy regarding the Triple X Web series.
According to the police, the FIR was lodged at Annapurna Police Station in 2020 under several sections of the Indian Penal Code (IPC) and IT Act.
Neeraj Yagnik, the complainant, said that he lodged a complaint in the matter after watching the objectionable use of the national emblem and the Army uniform in the web series.