When listing out the pride of the “Dravidian Model” at an event, Tamil Nadu Higher Education Minister K Ponmudy generated controversy when he asked a Mugaiyur Panchayat leader, “You are from the downtrodden community, right? You are from SC right?”
It’s been a week since DMK MP A Raja’s speech about Hinduism sparked debate. Another controversy has arisen after the DMK minister’s comments as they have received huge condemnation on social media from netizens. At a government event in Villupuram, Tamil Nadu Higher Education Minister Ponmudy was listing out the achievements and pride of the ‘Dravidian Model’. He said the Dravidian Model is the reason for women’s reservation. He further said that earlier, women were suppressed in many ways, but the “Dravidian Model” wants to give equal opportunity to women. He also said that the “Dravidian Model” provides equal opportunity to both men and women.
The controversy arose when the minister said, “See who is the chairman of this village? This ‘Amma’.” At that time, he asked the Mugaiyur Panchayat woman leader, who was also on stage, “You are from a downtrodden community, right? You are ST right?”