The Bombay High Court on Tuesday directed the Brihanmumbai Municipal Corporation (BMC) to demolish unauthorised construction at Union Minister Narayan Rane’s bungalow in Mumbai’s Juhu.
According to the petitioner’s advocate, the court has also imposed a fine of Rs 10 lakh on Rane. “Bombay High Court directs BMC to demolish unauthorised construction at Narayan Rane’s bungalow and also imposes a fine of Rs 10 lakhs,” petitioner’s advocate Aditya Pratap Singh said. The BMC had previously served Rane with two notices, each signed by a designated officer of the BMC’s K-West ward, concerning the unauthorised construction at his bungalow. The notices were issued under Section 351 of the Mumbai Municipal Corporation Act for alleged unauthorised changes of use in violation of a plan approved by the city’s civic body. However, when Rane’s advocate sought more time from the court on Monday, it refused and said, “The required time has already been given.”