The expelled AIADMK leader, VA Pughazhendi, filed an online complaint to the Tamil Nadu DGP on Wednesday demanding to bar the party’s Interim General Secretary, Edappadi Palaniswami (EPS), from a visit to party headquarters.
The complainant requested to bar EPS from entering the headquarters as it might allegedly create nuisance and law and order problems. He said that the EPS is trying to enter the party headquarters despite the High Court order barring the AIADMK volunteers from entering the party headquarters.”The High Court has passed an order to prevent AIADMK members and volunteers from entering the party headquarters. The Supreme Court also took up the petition and ordered the petitioners to file a counter-affidavit in the matter,” the complaint stated.
“However, EPS abruptly announced that he would be visiting the headquarters with his supporters on September 8,” Pughazhendi claimed in the complaint, adding that the party workers had previously occupied the location prior to the order. If they enter the party headquarters, they might tamper with the party records, membership, and account details.He also expressed shock at the alleged inaction of the Tamil Nadu DGP’s office against C.V. Shanmugam, even after his alleged use of filthy words against the DGP and CID officers. “I pray that you take strict action against them and prevent them from entering the party office before any order by the Honourable Supreme Court,” the complaint stated.
On July 11, amid the clashes between the factions of EPS and former Tamil Nadu CM O Panneerselvam (OPS), the AIADMK party headquarters were locked and sealed by the Revenue Divisional Officer (RDO). Both the leaders then approached the High Court against the order.