Kerala BJP Vice President KS Radhakrishnan on Monday took a dig at CPI-M politicians saying, “Marxist politicians are looting funds of temples”.
KS Radhakrishnan, BJP State Vice President said, “There is an irony in the attitude of the communists in generally to the places of worship. Theoretically, no communists can believe in god, temples, rituals etc. Because they believe in dialectical and historical materialism which never space to god and the related rituals. Naturally, if they claim that they are communists, they cannot entertain god. If they entertain god, temples and rituals, then they are diluting the metaphysical aspects of Marxian philosophy. They cannot admit and they cannot entertain god and temples, places of worship.”
“In Kerala, they are practising self-defection. They want to project themselves as the protectors of the religious faith. How can they be? No jackal is able to protect chickens, chickens cannot be protected by jackals. So the communists cannot protect the places of worship. Because they never believe in god,” he claimed.
Radhakrishnan’s views came after an old video of retired SC Justice Indu Malhotra went viral where she is heard saying that “communist governments have taken over Hindu temples”.
She was referring to the Padmanabha Swamy temple. She can be heard saying that she, along with Justice UU Lalit, had halted temple takeovers by the government, such as in Kerala, where the state government, according to her, take over temples “for revenue”, in particular Hindu temples.