A Delhi court on Tuesday fixed the hearing on a plea over the controversial poster of filmmaker Leena Manimekalai’s documentary ‘Kaali’ for November 1, 2022.
Civil Judge Abhishek Kumar of Tis Hazari Court of Delhi on Tuesday noted that “the plaintiff submits that there is an application filed by him under Order 8 Rule 1A(3) CPC on the previous date and the same is pending for adjudication. He further seeks to serve the defendants through email as well as Whatsapp.” In view of the submissions, let summons be issued afresh through all modes including service through email as well as Whatsapp on the filing of PF, returnable for the next date of hearing. Put up for service of the summons upon the defendants and for arguments on the above-stated application on November 1, said the court.
The court earlier had issued summons to Canada-based filmmaker Leena Manimekalai and others in a suit seeking an interim injunction to restrain the defendants from depicting Goddess Kaali in the way they have depicted in a poster and video.
Earlier the concerned civil judge had said the relief of interim injunction is discretionary relief.Article 8/10