On Sunday, Trinamool Congress member Derek O’Brien criticised Prime Minister Narendra Modi for his statement, that India would be developed by 2047. In Gujarat, Prime Minister Modi reaffirmed the 2047 objective on Sunday after emphasising earlier this month that “the next 25 years are essential for the country” during his speech as India celebrated 75 years of freedom.
“We may see some deficiencies now, but I can clearly see them,” PM Modi said on Sunday, referring to his Red Fort speech. “We made some resolutions and we realised them today. Similarly, what we resolve today, we will surely realise in 2047,” he further added.
Derek O’Brien of the Trinamool Congress tweeted in response to this: ” INCOMPETENT PM. failed to deliver multiple promises in 2022. So now trying 2047. (sic).”
The prime minister attacked the Congress on day two of his visit to Gujarat as he unveiled a memorial for the Gujarat earthquake of 2001. ” When the state was dealing with natural calamities one after the other, there were conspiracies hatched to defame it in the country and the world. Repeated attempts were made to stop investment coming to Gujarat.” Before assuming the position of prime minister, PM Modi served as chief minister of his home state.
The following day, Jairam Ramesh, a union minister in the previous UPA administration and a member of the Congress, responded to the statement with the following tweet: “PM alleges there is a scheme to slander Gujarat.”
“The truth, which he is incapable of saying, is that long before he became CM, Gujarat had already emerged as an economic powerhouse due to its spirit of enterprise. Public sector investments by INC govts catalysed the state’s growth.”