As the Yamuna River flowed just below the danger mark on Sunday morning, Delhi Chief Minister Arvind Kejriwal appealed to the people to avoid going towards the banks. The Yamuna was flowing at 204.91 meters, just below the danger mark of 205.33 meters. People are living on the roadside as overflowing water from the Yamuna inundated low-lying areas.
Low-lying areas near Mayur Vihar Phase I and Akshardham Temple were flooded due to the overflowing Yamuna river.
“The water came gushing in, and I immediately rushed to evacuate my family members and our goats. Some of my belongings got left behind in my house,” said a woman.
Expressing concerns over the development, Kejriwal asked the people to cooperate with the government and the administration. He also said that the government is ready to deal with any situation.
“The water level of the Yamuna has increased in Delhi. My appeal to all is to avoid going towards the banks of the river. We have made adequate arrangements for the people living near the Yamuna. Cooperate with the government and administration. We are monitoring the situation and are ready to deal with any situation,” the Chief Minister tweeted.
Breaching the danger mark of 205.33 meters, the river overflowed at around 4 pm on Friday.
It flowed over the danger mark for over a day.