Four Congress workers were arrested for releasing black balloons after PM Modi’s chopper took off from Gannavaram Airport near Vijaywada in Andhra Pradesh. Police said there was no security breach on his arrival amid Congress protest and balloons were released five minutes after the Prime Minister’s helicopter left and arrests have been made.
The Prime Minister reached the airport after launching a year-long 125th birth anniversary celebration of legendary freedom fighter Alluri Sitarama Raju in Bhimavaram in the state. Police officials said that a strict security cordon was laid around the airport.
Vijay Pal, DSP, Krishna District said four Congress workers have been arrested in the case and a few more are yet to be arrested.
“The four arrested Congress workers will be produced before the court,” he said.
Police said there was no security breach during PM Modi’s arrival at Gannavaram Airport. Balloons were released five minutes after PM’s departure from the airport via chopper. However, the state BJP came down heavily on the government and said the PM’s security was compromised.