Tailor Kanhaiya Lal, who was beheaded in Udaipur in Rajasthan by two men for allegedly posting content in support of suspended BJP leader Nupur Sharma, has created an uproar on a wide scale. Reacting to the horrific and brutal killing of her husband, his wife Yashoda demanded that the culprits should be hanged to death. “We demand those people who murdered him (Kanhaiya Lal) should be hanged to death, we demand their death sentence and need justice,” she said.
Kanhaiya Lal’s wife Yashoda
“Kanhaiya Lal had returned to his shop after many days as he was receiving death threats. For the last 10-15 days he was getting death threats. They said that they will kill him. People used to come both at home and his shop to threaten him. He was threatened over the phone as well,” Yashoda recalled how her husband was getting death threats.
A relative of the deceased demanded capital punishment for the murderers saying, “The accused should get punished, otherwise these people will get encouraged to commit more such crimes. The accused should be given such a punishment that no one dares to commit such an incident again.”
“We want that either their (murderers) encounter should happen or they should be hanged to death. It’s needed to instil fear in them,” said Kanhaiya Lal’s son.