A mid the political turbulence in Maharashtra, Chief Minister Uddhav Thackeray said that rebel Shiv Sena MLAs who are camping in Guwahati want to “break the party” on Friday. As Eknath Shinde appears to be tightening his grip on Shiv Sena with the number of rebels rising to 38, Thackeray called a meeting of the party›s district chiefs on Friday where he said that he left the Varsha Bungalow but not the «will to fight». «I have said earlier also that I don›t have anything to do with power. The people who used to say that they would rather die than leave Shiv Sena have fled today,» the Shiv Sena chief said during his virtual address at the meeting. “The rebel MLAs want to break the party. I had never thought in dreams that I would become the chief minister. I have left Varsha Bungalow but not the will to fight,» he added. Targetting Shinde, Thackeray said that he did everything for the rebel leader and yet a lot of allegations are levelled against him. Notably, Thackeray had vacated the official residence of the CM on Wednesday night and moved to his family residence ‘Matoshree› along with his family. He said, «I did everything for Shinde. I gave him the department which I held. His own son is an MP and comments are being made regarding my son. A lot of allegations are levelled against me. If they have courage, they should go among people without taking Balasaheb and Shiv Sena›s names.» Thackeray, who underwent a cervical spine surgery last year, said, «I had pain in my neck and head, I was not able to work properly, I could not open my eyes but I did not care about it. Shivaji Maharaj was defeated but people were always with him.
Rebel leader Eknath Shinde has hit back at the Shiv Sena after the party wrote to the Maharashtra Assembly deputy speaker seeking the disqualification of 12 rebel MLAs. Shinde tweeted, “You can’t scare us by giving the names of 12 MLAs for disqualification because we are followers of the Shiv Sena chief Bal Thackeray. We know the law, so we do not pay heed to threats.” “We know your ways and the law too! According to Schedule 10 of the Constitution, the whip is used for assembly work, not for meetings,” he further tweeted. The Sena faction led by CM Uddhav Thackeray has filed a petition before the Deputy Speaker seeking the cancellation of membership of 12 rebel MLAs including Shinde for “not attending” legislative party meeting. Sena MP Arvind Sawant told ANI that a notice had been issued before the meeting which said that if an MLA does not attend the meeting, legal action will be taken. “We’ve filed a petition before the Deputy Speaker (of the Maharashtra Legislative Assembly) and demanded that the membership of 12 (MLAs) should be cancelled as they didn’t attend the meeting,” said Sawant. “Before the meeting notice was issued in which it was said that if you didn’t attend the meeting then legal action will be taken as per the constitution. Some didn’t come and some gave unnecessary reasons,” he added. The petition has been filed by Ajay Choudhari, who was appointed “legislative party leader” after Shinde was “removed” from the post by the Sena. Sena’s Chief Whip, Sunil Prabhu had issued a letter to party MLAs, asking them to be present in the meeting. The letter stated that if someone remains absent, it will be considered that the said MLA has decided to quit the party voluntarily. The letter also warned that if any MLA remains absent from the meeting without proper reason and prior information, they should keep in mind that action will be initiated to cancel their membership as per constitutional provisions.But the Shinde camp has written to Maharashtra Governor stating that Shinde continues to be the legislative party leader.