In the wake of the much-awaited Rajya Sabha polls, the main opposition party, Congress, is on its toes in a bid to emerge victorious in the battle. Initially, the party was believed to win this battle easily but presently the Congress seems to be facing tough times as the independent contestant namely Kartikeya Sharma has decided to contest. Amid this, it came to fore that according to the social media survey, Kartikeya is most likely to win the elections and is getting the extensive support from all factions ahead of the polls . It is a noticeable fact that Sharma is the strongest claimant for one seat.
It is evident from the ongoing political scenario that things seem to be going out of control on the part of Congress as several party legislators are believed to be upset with the party’s high command as well as with him. It is pertinent to mention that excluding Kuldeep Bishnoi and Kiran Chaudhary, all the party MLAs are staying in a hotel in Raipur, the capital of Chattisgarh a Congress-led state. A Congress MLA said that the party has asked all the party legislators not to share any pic of the information about them on social media or to the press.
Analysts believe Congress is leaving no stone unturned to win the Rajya Sabha fray which does not seem a cakewalk for the party. In aforesaid continuation, Despite the continuous efforts by the party high command in a bid to convince the dissatisfied party legislators, the infighting continues to remain in the party among the party stalwarts which is a matter of serious concern for the party. While contrary to this, Kartikey Sharma seems in a strengthened position as compared to the Congress contestant Ajay Maken, a parachute contestant whose candidature has made the party land into a controversy.
Sources said, Maken and another party stalwart P Chidambaram had dialogues with Kuldeep Bishnoi on Sunday, a party legislator who is upset with the party’s high command. One of the party legislators said on anonymity that Kuldeep Bishnoi and Bhupinder Singh Hooda are at loggerheads which is likely to cost the party a huge cost in forthcoming polls.
Most of the senior leaders hailing from the BJP along with ally JJP are taking on the Congress saying the grand old party is unable to handle and convince its legislators. The independent legislator, Ranjeet Singh Chautala, who had pledged support to the BJP and later was given a berth in the state cabinet, said on Sunday that if any state leaders from the state Congress were fielded on the party’s ticket, then it would have been better for the party.
In wake of this, the media tycoon Kartikeya Sharma will win the elections undoubtedly.