Bollywood singer Krishnakumar Kunnath, popularly known as KK, passed away on Tuesday night after a final performance in Kolkata. Reportedly, the singer had expressed uneasiness while at his hotel and was rushed to a hospital, where he was declared dead.
Kolkata Police on Wednesday registered a case of unnatural death in connection with the sudden demise of the singer. Scores of people including Congress MP Adhir Ranjan Chowdhury demanded a thorough inquiry into KK’s sudden death. However, the initial post-mortem report, ruling out the unnatural death, revealed that KK suffered a massive cardiac arrest.
His post-mortem was conducted at the SSK government hospital in Kolkata. It suggests that the singer suffered a massive cardiac arrest and that he had a chronic liver and a serious lung condition, reports Times Now. His post-mortem reportedly went on for an hour and a half and was recorded on video.
The late singer’s mortal remains were taken from SSKM Hospital to Rabindra Sadan yesterday, where people paid their last respects to him. West Bengal Chief Minister Mamata Banerjee paid her last respects to the singer, and the state government organised a gun salute for the deceased singer at the cultural centre in Rabindra Sadan, West Bengal.
Meanwhile, the mortal remains of KK have reached Mumbai, and the cremation will take place today, according to reports.