Prime Minister Narendra Modi on Friday said that the people of the country are working for the planet Earth and said that Aatmanirbhar Bharat is the government’s path as well as government’s resolve.
The Prime Minister said our path and destination for the future are clear. “Aatmanirbhar Bharat is our path as well as our resolve. Over the years, we have worked continuously to create every necessary atmosphere for this,” he said at the inaugural session of the three-day Jain International Trade Organisation (JITO) held in Pune via video conferencing.
The Prime Minister urged the gathering to work for “EARTH”. He elaborated that “E” means the prosperity of the Environment. He urged them to also discuss how they can support the efforts to make at least 75 Amrit Sarovars in every district by 15 August next year. “A” means to make Agriculture more profitable and invest more and more in natural farming, farming technology and the food processing sector. “R” means emphasising Recycling and the circular economy, working for Reuse, Reduce and Recycle. “T” means taking Technology to as many people as possible. He urged the audience to consider how they can make other advanced technology like drone technology more accessible. “H” means Healthcare, he said that today, the government is doing a lot of work for the arrangements like healthcare, and medical colleges in every district in the country. He asked the gathering to think about how their organisation can encourage this.
The Prime Minister said that more than 40 lakh sellers have joined the Government e-Marketplace. “Ever since the Government e-Marketplace i.e. GeM portal has come into existence, all the purchases are done on one platform in front of everyone. Now people from remote villages, small shopkeepers and self-help groups can directly sell their products to the government. Today more than 40 lakh sellers have joined the GeM portal,” PM Modi said.
The Prime Minister further said that the government is ensuring proper arrangements like healthcare and medical colleges in every district in the country.
The PM said that the world is considering India’s development resolutions as a means of achieving its goals and added that India is performing a bigger purpose of ensuring global welfare.
“Today, the world is considering India’s development resolutions as a means of achieving its goals. Be it global peace, global prosperity, solutions related to global challenges, or empowerment of global supply chain, the world is looking towards India with great confidence.” “Whatever may be the area of expertise, area of concern, whatever may be the difference of opinion, the rise of New India unites all. Today everyone feels that India is now moving beyond probability and potential and performing a bigger purpose of global welfare,” he said.
The Prime Minister added: “Today the country is encouraging talent, trade and technology as much as possible. Today the country is registering dozens of start-ups every day, and trying to create a unicorn every week.”