To live in the now-ness is being in your consciousness and is to live as a conscious being. Nothing is there but consciousness alone. Consciousness is the Master. Related News Lunar Eclipse On Holi 2025: What Does It Mean For You? Blessing Or A Curse? Sacred waters: A pilgrimage of faith and transformation How Many […]


To live in the now-ness is being in your consciousness and is to live as a conscious being. Nothing is there but consciousness alone. Consciousness is the Master.

Drink the nectar being poured by existence into the cup of your life.

What is consciousness? What it is made of? In fact, consciousness is your existence. And consciousness is the existence of the universe. Existence is another name for consciousness. God is another name for consciousness. Consciousness is your being. You are conscious in your being is living in the being-ness of your being.

In fact, consciousness and your being are not two. They are always one even when you are not conscious of your being. Even when your consciousness is sleeping.

You are always consciousness. You are born consciousness and you die consciousness. In fact conscious of your being, you can be born conscious and die conscious. But most die unconscious only a few die conscious. Between birth and death, you are here to be conscious. You have two options be conscious to be a king or to keep running after your senses. But you keep running after your thoughts unconsciously. Thoughts are to be used by you being conscious. Thoughts lead you to chaos. Consciousness is the only order.

Existence lies there before you. Existence is existent. In that existing it exists with that it is made of. In fact, existence is made of consciousness. Existence is revealed in trillions of types and colours. Everything is distinct and unique.

Unconsciousness is the absence of consciousness. That you are the part of this consciousness and you exist till the point consciousness exists in you that makes matter into a man. You are also an existence. You are not just a part of existence but you are existence itself. Therefore God cannot be understood by knowledge. You are there. God is there. That which is outside of you could be known by you as knowledge. But you are inside. And you are inside of God. Like you are inside that what you are made of. Therefore existence is made of consciousness.

The matter is also made of consciousness. Like an atom is existing by electrons orbiting around its nucleus, it is existing. In the same way, a man is also existing by trillions of cells made of atoms. Man is conscious and does remain unconscious by choice. Man is consciously unconscious. Things are unconsciously unconscious.

No one has created consciousness. Your mind has invented God who you say has created this world. God is an invention of your thoughts. Therefore God is worshipped and feared. Lots of Gods around us. Christianity has Jesus. Islam has Allah. Hindus have Krishna and endless gods for everything. Gods are divided into geographically located boundaries into parts of the world. Gods have also divided territories. Gods are language-specific, territory-specific, and country-specific. If all these Gods have created the world at different points in time then one would always ask who created them and when. The answer given is incongruous and meaningless.

Existence is made of consciousness. Consciousness inundates existence. Therefore, everything is conscious. But an unconscious mind enslaves the conscious master. The problem begins.

Mankind is born with consciousness. Only when you exist consciously do you exist in reality. If you exist unconsciously you would never know that you have ever existed. Because you would be existing in thinking.

You can exist like the master of your being, fully conscious. You can exist awake. Buddha means ‘the awakened one’. The one who has become awake. What we call enlightenment is the awakened self of your consciousness.

That what you call meditation can only happen in the state of no-mind. When the mind is not. Otherwise, there is thinking. People go on sitting and thinking about the thoughts of meditation. That they are meditating. Some go on parroting words of the awakened ones and they give beautiful names.

In fact, neither the chanting will do, nor thinking will do. You have to understand. Understand that thoughts are your own unconsciousness. Your desires are your own unconsciousness. Future is your own thought. Future is your insecurity. You create your own insecurities and run after them to become secure. You are already fully secure. Because your conscious being is fast asleep. If someone is asleep. You can’t expect your senses and thoughts to be disciplined while you are asleep.

Life is momentary. To understand it, we have to understand the momentary-ness of life. But what we do. Hearing that life is momentary, our mind immediately invents new thoughts ‘let’s leave it let’s find God who is eternal. You have invented new thoughts to make your life eternal. Eternity is your thoughts. Earlier power, fame, and money were your thoughts. Now new desire to find God and eternity. Both God and eternity are your thoughts.

The moment you look at your mind which is fragmentary and is made of fragmented thoughts. You may not run after God or eternity, the moment you understand the fragmentedness of your mind.

Thoughts in mind want you to do something. You run after money then you run after something of great value like God and eternity unconsciously.

You continue to live life unconsciously. You should not hide behind your senses. You should reveal yourself to life. Now only your thoughts are revealed you are not revealed. This is the story of life.

If you are violent. When you change suddenly you become non-violent, now run after non-violence unconsciously. You become violently non-violent. Either you become violently violent. Or you become violently non-violent. But you cannot become non-violent.

You are greedy. So in the change, you can become a greedy donor. You won’t become a donor. You will be a donor when your greed dies. Your greed changes colour. You love. Then you hate the same person. But that is the other side of love. Both ways you are unconscious.

This whole world is made of consciousness. You will say it is made of matter because science says it is made of matter. Beneath the matter there is consciousness. Look at atoms that are neutral. Inside orbit electrons around the nucleus. That is a matter. Electrons are charged and protons are uncharged. The whole consciousness of existence is orbiting. Quanta for that matter is the smallest discrete amount of any physical matter involved in an interaction so far known to man. Quantum physicist Stephen Hawking who understands the universe in terms of matter only has said that the universe has come from nothing.

In fact, the matter is sleeping consciousness. That will become conscious. Thoughts that we think make this world. The world is made of thoughts that we think. If you look at the world you find it has all that you aspire for the world.

A life lived fully awake is the life. In fact, aspiring for things of the world and running after money and then God are all parts of this world. When one is awakened one understands that in reality, only consciousness exists. This is the core essence of all religions.

Enter the new life—be conscious. Earlier thoughts were making you drunk and unconscious. Now let life make you drunk and conscious. Drink the nectar being poured by existence into the cup of your life.

The author is a spiritual teacher. He can be reached at

You can exist like the master of your being, fully conscious. You can exist awake. Buddha means ‘the awakened one’. The one who has become awake. What we call enlightenment is the awakened self of your consciousness.
