On the occasion of Ram Navami, a clash broke out between students backed by Akhil Bharatiya Vidyarthi Parishad (ABVP) and the Congress-backed National Students Union of India (NSUI) and Left-backed students on the Jawaharlal Nehru University campus in the national capital on Sunday.
The ABVP, the student wing of the RSS, on Sunday protested on JNU campus, demanding that non-vegetarian food should not be prepared in the mess on the occasion of Ram Navami. However, the ABVP accused the NSUI and Left-backed students of preventing them from observing Ram Navami. “Left and NSUI students created a ruckus during a puja in the university on the occasion of Ram Navami. There is no angle of non-veg. They have a problem with programs on the occasion of Ram Navami,” said Rohit Kumar, ABVP’s JNU wing president
Delhi Police officials have reached the spot to ascertain the details of the situation. “Presently the situation is peaceful. Both sides are protesting peacefully. Appropriate legal action will be taken on receipt of the complaint. The situation is peaceful”, said DCP South West Manoj C.
Reportedly, a number of protestors have been injured and have been shifted to the nearby hospitals. A few students are still protesting in the vicinity of the campus.