We always want prosperity in our hands. Humanity on earth is in search of prosperity. Prosperity grew on earth as part of human comprehension. Humanity has constantly been generating prosperity. If we compare the prosperity that we live in today to earlier we find that an ordinary man has access to as many resources today […]


We always want prosperity in our hands. Humanity on earth is in search of prosperity. Prosperity grew on earth as part of human comprehension. Humanity has constantly been generating prosperity. If we compare the prosperity that we live in today to earlier we find that an ordinary man has access to as many resources today as used by a king.

Humanity has more lumens of lights, more kilometres of travel per hour, more gigabytes of information per second, more air-cooled days and nights, more medicines and food availability, more energy, and more bombs and weaponry to destroy the world a thousand times.

Most of our progress we owe to the wars and our constant engagement with wars. Humanity should sit down and think whether the cost that we are paying for prosperity is worth it. Aren’t we leading to destroy the world again?

All wars are fought for the future. Humanity is supposed to spread love. But wars are spread in the name of love. In the name of religion, ethnicity, and nationality, wars are spread. In the name of religion, ethnicity, and nationality, war-mongering is propagated. One who is constantly trying to centralise the political and military powers is essentially a war-monger.

The human mind is a war-mongering agent. The mind is made of the future. People are engaged in activities so that they will have something in their hands in future. We want to fill our hands with things from the world, things that we anticipate possessing. We live in the future. To get something in our hands is insecurity.

Any type of activity or engagement for the future brings neurosis. Society is full of neurotic people. People are engaged in all kinds of activities, obsessed with wealth, power, and fame. But how much wealth is good enough? In fact, the human mind does not have a stop button.

The mind keeps thinking. The human mind does not have a stop button. To be awarded wealth, power, and fame for labour is good. But minds compete to get more net worth or power than others. In the name of human progress, humanity has become neurotic and lunatic. The human soul is charred with neurosis that has caused a mental health emergency. Humanity has become excessively overambitious and war-mongering. Humanity is playing wars of wealth and power. The only grace that humanity has been blessed from all human progress and prosperity is ‘wars’ and ‘charred remains of the human soul’.

Humanity has become excessively disturbed, agitated, distressed, and neurotic. Therefore, humanity needs wars. In this backdrop, dropping hydrogen bombs on Hiroshima Nagasaki is explainable. The exigencies of the US to fight the Vietnam war is explainable. Adolf Hitler’s extermination of Jews is explainable. The recent war between Russia and Ukraine is explainable. 10000 wars that humanity fought are explainable. Power and neurosis demand wars.

Science and prosperity in the hands of neurotic power-hungry leadership are bound to breed wars. Wealth and power are the seedlings of war. The question arises: Is prosperity there for man or man is there for prosperity?

In reality, no wars are not fought for religions, ethnicities, and nationalities. Wars are the expressions of neurotic leaderships who want to write ferocity on the face of humanity. In that sense, Hitler’s expression of his life is a war if compared to Van Gogh’s or Michelangelo’s expression is peace and religion.

Prosperity after charring your soul never makes one prosperous. The prosperity of the future always remains the prosperity of the future. It brings distress and worry. How does humanity have prosperity in reality? Prosperity does not lie in future.

Don’t run after the prosperity that comes from changing your future. You have to change your thinking. You have to allow the future to come to you as it is. Let the future come, welcome it, let it shower on you. Hindus call it ‘niyati’. To know that future is there and you are an instrument of letting the future be revealed through you. If humanity would follow the doctrine of ‘niyati’, the world would be a most religious and peaceful place.

‘Niyati’ means the future is certain and will happen the way it has to happen. If that be so there was no cause for me to be distressed. Sacrificing my now-ness my being who is present now for changing the future would be futile. If I continue to sacrifice my life for a future that is certain I will never be able to live but will dream of living.

The future will always be there because the future is your own mind. And the mind will always be able to set new future targets that you will never be able to achieve. The mind does not have a stop button it keeps projecting and re-setting your targets of prosperity. One who is indulging in the prosperity of the future dies disturbed.

You will become a king and an emperor right now if you accept you are being in the now-ness of your being. What that you are running after enslaves your life. If you stop running you will find that there was no need. The future is created by the mind. Mind is a shadow of living in the now-ness of the being. You don’t need prosperity to live. You are born emperor. Start living. Don’t become serious.

Understand it like this that the future breeds insecurity that stimulates you to run after security, the security that will come with prosperity. Future breeds prosperity. In fact, the future is nothing but the poverty of presence. Mind is poor and will always be poor because it is bred of poverty. If you are in your presence future will not be bred. From that poverty of presence, prosperity is bred so one runs after prosperity.

It is said the future never comes but is not believed at all. In fact, the future is bred in your mind. Future breeds from that absence that is poverty of your presence. This means that the future is a dream of living in your presence by abandoning your presence. A lifetime of running after the prosperity of the future will not get your mind what it wants to have.

The future is not there. The only present is there. Therefore future never comes. It comes as a present because it was never there. It will never be there. It is a creation of the mind. The future is today. The future is right now. Therefore prosperity of the future is right now. Therefore you are prosperous all the time right now. The prosperity of the world is a tool to cause your inner poverty that inevitably causes violence and destruction.

The author is a spiritual teacher. He can be reached at
