India women’s cricket team head coach Ramesh Powar on Sunday said that the workload management of senior bowler Jhulan Goswami would be really important in the New Zealand series as the side wants her to be at her peak when the 50-over World Cup starts.
India will depart for New Zealand to lock horns with the White Ferns in one T20I and five ODIs, beginning February 9 in Napier. And then the Mithali-led side would compete in the 50-over World Cup. “Workload management of Jhulan Goswami would be important. Not just Jhulan, but everybody. When you look at the New Zealand series and World Cup games, in all it will be 14-15 games so we have planned accordingly right from the Australia series. I think the medical staff of our team is doing a fantastic job, they are looking after each and every player,” said Powar while replying to an ANI query during a virtual press conference.
“There is always a special eye on Jhulan because we want her to be at her peak when World Cup starts. We are managing as per we play games, the medical team is doing a fine job,” he added. After the game against Pakistan (March 6) in the Women’s World Cup, India will square off against New Zealand (March 10), West Indies (March 12), England (March 16), Australia (March 19), Bangladesh (March 22), and South Africa (March 27) in the group stage.
When asked whether he had communication with the dropped players (Punam Raut, Jemimah Rodrigues, Shikha Pandey), Powar said: “I think every player in the scheme of things knows where they stand and what is their present and future. I think everyone knows on this team where they stand. We do not have to communicate differently to them, they know where they stand.”