Haryana Chief Minister Manohar Lal Khattar has constituted a three-member review committee under the chairmanship of Chief Secretary, Sanjeev Kaushal aiming to expedite the execution of Rs 100 crore development projects in the state, said an official spokesperson on Wednesday.
“CM Manohar Lal Khattar would review the projects to ensure inter-departmental coordination, and would preside over one such meeting on January 24,” said the spokesperson. While stating, the official spokesperson added that the three-member committee headed by the Chief Secretary would review the development projects on a monthly basis.
An official spokesperson said that the Additional Chief Secretary and Financial Commissioner, Revenue and Disaster Management and Consolidation Departments, Additional Chief Secretary, Finance Department, and Principal Secretary to the Chief Minister are the members of the said Committee. Further, it is informed that the Chief Minister would personally review the projects to ensure immediate removal of all the problems being faced by the departments concerned if any. The Chief Minister is scheduled to chair the review meeting of the Committee on January 24, 2022, added the spokesperson. At present work to implement 82 such projects in the state is going on, which will be completed within the stipulated time period.
The projects costing worth more than Rs 100 crore are being run by 14 departments, including two of Technical Education Department, three of Home Department, three of Health Services Department, one of Transport Department, three of Agriculture and Farmers’ Welfare Department, seven of Medical Education Department, seven projects of Town and Country Planning Department, six projects of Public Health Engineering Department, eight of Power Department, 19 of Public Works Department and Architecture Department, one of Civil Aviation Department, two projects of School Education, two projects of Food, Civil Supplies and Consumer Affairs Department and 18 projects of Irrigation and Water Resources Department.
With inputs from ANI