Delhi Chief Minister and Aam Aadmi Party’s national convenor Arvind Kejriwal on Tuesday announced Bhagwant Mann’s name as his party’s chief ministerial candidate for the upcoming Punjab Assembly elections. Kejriwal said that Bhagwant Mann was chosen on the basis of responses they received under their campaign to elect AAP’s CM face. He said that 93.9% of people voted in favour of Mann.
Bhagwant Mann is AAP’s state unit chief and is a Lok Sabha member from the Sangrur constituency in Punjab.
On 13 January, Kejriwal asked the people of Punjab to suggest the names of their preferred chief ministerial candidates and launched a mobile number 7074870748 for the purpose. He had then said that he had wanted the party’s state unit chief Bhagwant Mann’s name to be declared as the chief ministerial candidate.
Earlier on Monday, AAP leader and Leader of Opposition in the Punjab Assembly, Harpal Singh Cheema had said that it would be only his party that would go to the Assembly elections with a chief ministerial face. He said none of the other political parties, including the ruling Congress, announced the name of their chief ministerial candidate.
Bhagwant Mann on Tuesday expressed his gratitude to his party and the people of Punjab after being declared as the AAP’s chief ministerial candidate in the upcoming Assembly elections, and said that his party would be victorious with more than two-third majority and make the state “Rangla Punjab” again.
Speaking to news agency ANI, Mann said, “I will try to get my party the victory with more than two-third majority. We have to make Punjab Rangla Punjab again.”
Asked about his priorities if he is elected as the chief minister in the upcoming polls, the AAP leader said that he would address the issues relating to drug addiction and the unemployment of youth.
“The biggest cause of drug addiction is unemployment. The working man does not take drugs. If people get employment, people start going to work, then the drug issue will end. But we will find the big fish as well,” he said.
“Unemployment is a big issue in Punjab, our youth has gone into depression, running away abroad. We will work for this, we will fix education, we will fix agriculture. Electricity is also a big issue. We have to end the mafia rule and fill the treasury of Punjab, give convenience to the people,” Mann added.
Expressing his gratitude toward his party and the people of Punjab, he said, “Only a party like Aam Aadmi Party can elect a common worker like me, nepotism runs in all other parties. The age in which the party has given this responsibility to me, other parties do not even make the workers of that age the head of the district.”
“We are from middle-class families, never thought in life that I will become CM candidate. I have pure intentions for Punjab and this responsibility bestowed upon me has certified the same,” Mann added.
So far, the party has announced 112 candidates. Voting for Punjab’s 117 Assembly seats is scheduled for 20 February and counting will take place on 10 March.