MUMBAI: Having its roots in Telegu-Language, ‘Pushpa: The Rise’ has made its mark in every corner of the country. Directed by Sukumar, ‘Pushpa: The Rise’ was released on 17 December 2021 and has stunned the box office with its collections. The lead actress of the film, Rashmika Mandanna, seems to be overwhelmed with the response film have received from the audience. She is very thankful to the cast and crew who put in their effort to make this film and promises ‘Pushpa 2’ to be bigger than ever. Taking to her social media, Rashmika wrote, “Thankyou for all you love for Pushpa.. only makes us want to work harder.. and we promise you.. Pushpa 2 will only be better and bigger!” Rashmika is eternally grateful after seeing the massive success of the film. She says “I’m really grateful that all the hard work that the cast and crew had put in the film, is finally being seen and appreciated by viewers all across. There’s so much love and positivity that the audience has showered upon the film, its characters, and the story, which is super encouraging”. — Correspondent