Girls should be married when they attain age of fertility, said Samajwadi Party MP ST Hasan on Friday while talking about the Centre’s move to raise the minimum age of marriage for women to 21. Hasan said, “ The fertility age of women ranges from 16-17 years to 30 years. Proposals for marriage start coming at the age of 16. If the marriage is delayed, there are two disadvantages: One is the possibility of infertility. The second is that children are not settled when one is ageing. When you are in your last decade or so of life, your children are still students. We are breaking the natural cycle.” “I believe that when a girl is mature and attains the age of fertility, she should get married. If a girl is mature at 16, she can get married at 16. If she can vote at 18, why can’t she get married?” he added.
Indiscipline increases in youngsters as they grow older when they watch pornographic videos and photos, the SP MP said. “We have allowed live-in relationships which shows that indiscipline has increased. Hormonal changes at this stage may lead to crimes,” he said.
Union Minister of Parliamentary Affairs Pralhad Joshi said the law was progressive, so why should we make so much noise about it. “Let discussions be held. What are his apprehensions? It is a progressive law. We have said let there be a discussion. Why make so much noise?” Joshi said.