About 9 per cent of Micro, Small and Medium Enterprises (MSMEs) have shut down since the onset of the COVID-19 pandemic, Congress leader Rahul Gandhi said on Friday. “On MSMEs, I had asked some serious questions to the government. In response to which they have admitted that 9 per cent of MSMEs were closed during the COVID-19 period. It means…benefits to ‘friends’, weak economy, jobs finished!” Gandhi tweeted. On December 16, the Ministry of Micro, Small and Medium Enterprises said that during an online survey of 5,774 MSMEs in August 2020, it was found that 91 per cent of MSMEs were functional and 9 per cent closed down due to COVID-19 impact.
Responding to Rahul Gandhi’s questions, Union Minister of MSME, Narayan Rane told the Lok Sabha, “National Small Industries Corporation Ltd conducted an online survey in Aug 2020, covering around 5,774 MSMEs in 32 States/UTs to assess impact of COVID on MSMEs. It was found that 91 per cent MSMEs were functional and 9 per cent closed down due to the impact.”