As India reported nearly two dozen Omicron cases, Union Health Secretary Rajesh Bhushan on Wednesday asked all the states to submit all the samples of positive cases of international travellers and their contacts as well as from emerging hotspots.
In a statement, Bhushan said, “The samples of positive cases from international travellers and their contacts as well as from emerging hotspots are promptly submitted to INSACOG labs for genome sequencing as per the protocol.” Indian SARS-CoV-2 Genomic Consortia (INSACOG) is a laboratory to monitor genomic variations in the SARS-CoV-2 by a sentinel sequencing effort.
He further said, “All Omicron positive cases have to be treated in designated COVID facilities with separate isolation areas earmarked for Omicron positive patients.”
Bhushan added, “All international travellers who have arrived in the community need to be monitored by the district surveillance team and their testing on the 8th day needs to be ensured if they have come from at-risk countries.”
The Union Health Secretary added, “Further, with the onset of winter and increased pollution in some States, the prevalence of ILI/SARI and respiratory distress symptoms should also be closely monitored.”