Actress Soundarya Sharma recently joined us for a candid chat as part of NewsX India A-List. In the exclusive conversation, the actress opened up about her debut music video Mast Barsaat, sharing screen space with Salman Yusuf Khan, the experience of shooting in the new normal, and much more. Excerpts:
Talking about the response she has been getting for her music video and receiving a shout out from Salman Khan, Soundarya said, “It has been overwhelming. It is amazing to start my music video, which is my debut music video with Sajid sir. This is a tribute to Wajid sir. What a way to start with Salman sir tweeting. He supported our song and he totally loved it. Apart from that, everyone is loving it. They have told us that it is growing on them—the feelings, the music. In the song, there is only a harmonium that is playing. There is no electronic progressing or anything. It is a very organically made and done song so that it is very rooted. The response has been amazing.”
When asked what made her choose Mast Barsaat as her debut music video, Soundarya responded, “I didn’t choose it to be my song. The song chose me. I auditioned for it. I met Sajid sir. Everybody auditioned for it. He was looking for someone who really can enact. He said that the song is really close to our heart and I want somebody to portray the emotions the same way we have made it, with the same love. When he called me, I was super thrilled and excited. He asked about my profile. It worked for me. Ultimately, it should work for us. We connected over the feelings of the song. When Taleem studios shortlisted me, I was really thankful.”
Sharing her experience of working with Salman Yusuf Khan, the actress said, “Very nice. I think he is very professional and he is a really nice guy. He really comforted me. He, himself, is a dancer, performer so he made it really easy for me to work because we decided to shoot in a very short span. We shot for more than 23 hours in a row, so for that you really need a performer to be gelling with you. We were just chilling and working. “
Speaking about shooting for the song in a new normal, Soundarya said, “The new normal, apparently, is actually not that normal because it was scorching. When we shot, it was very hot and everybody was wearing masks but then we were so energised and pepped up by the song that none of us felt even for once that we are exhausted, we are tired. We were so moved by the entire feeling and the enthusiasm to work towards it. I think some things are meant to happen and this was meant to happen for all of us.”
As the pandemic struck the world, Soundarya found herself stuck in Los Angeles, where she was taking an acting course. “I took up the acting course in Los Angeles with New York Film Academy. I was there for 1.5 years and then I was stuck in the pandemic. You end up becoming a better human being, learning so many things. Pandemic has taught us so many things in life. I felt like I don’t know what is next, whether I would be able to finish my course. Forget about work, it was a challenge to be on your own and living in a new country. But, I think God is kind. Everything ended well and I am here. I got work,” she further shared.