MUMBAI: In trying times, Suhana Khan’s birthday wish for her mother Gauri Khan on social media has definitely brought a smile to everyone’s face. On Friday, Suhana, who is currently studying in New York, took to Instagram and wished Gauri a very happy 51st birthday by sharing a vintage picture of her father Shah Rukh Khan cuddling the birthday girl. “Happy birthday ma,” she captioned with a heart emoji. Netizens were quick to chime in with their heartfelt comments on Suhana’s post.
Suhana’s post comes at a time when her brother Aryan Khan has been embroiled in a controversy after drugs were allegedly seized at a party that he had attended last week. An Narcotics Control Bureau (NCB) team busted the alleged drugs party on the Cordelia Cruise ship which was on its way to Goa at mid-sea on 2 October night.