What is The Law of Perspective

Law of Perspective
The Law of Perspective is also called the Law of Relativity. What exactly is this law of the universe, and why is it important to learn about it?

Answering this question and understanding this law of the universe will assist you in improving your life. By having a higher viewpoint of your life experiences, you improve your mindset and your energy.

In this blog post, you will learn what the Law of Perspective is and how to use it to transform your life starting internally. Then, the benefits will ripple outward into your external life experiences. 

Why it’s Important to Understand The Law of Perspective

Applying this law of the universe can significantly help you during times when things do not seem to be going very well.

When a difficult challenge appears, it helps to view it from a better and different perspective. Think about how the angels would perceive your challenge.

Would the angels see your challenge as a way for you to learn and grow from it?

This law also assists you in gaining more compassion. Because it aids you in extending more compassion, kindness, and understanding to yourself. Plus, extending love and forgiveness to yourself during struggles.

Additionally, by focusing on gratitude, you keep your thoughts focused on your own life. And, away from comparing your situations, material items, and your life to other people.

Appreciating what you already have also makes it easier to not need to compare any parts of yourself or your life to other people. 

The Law of Perspective Teaches Neutrality with Everything

Humans have a tendency to compare things. However, everything is neutral.

Perspectives are often rooted within the values, beliefs, and knowledge that vary. It all depends on the culture and influences from society, most commonly that you inherited from others.

By removing any and all outdated beliefs that no longer serve you, it is easier to work with this law of the universe. 

It’s All about Your Perspective

The Law of Perspective reminds us that nothing is good nor bad.

It really is just a matter of your perspective, and how you choose to define things.

Everything is neutral because we are here on Earth to learn and grow at the level of the soul.

This often means experiencing challenges that could be labeled as ‘bad’ or ‘unpleasant.' When in fact, their purpose is so you can learn.

Additionally, if you only experience pleasant things in life, then you would not understand the opposite.

By understanding, feeling, and knowing undesirable things, it helps you make better choices. And, it assists you in aiming higher to remain in a higher vibration where you will attract more good things. 

How are You Expressing Your Perspectives

With every challenge and situation that happens in your life, you have the ability to choose how to perceive it.

While it may be easy to place labels such as good, bad, or stressful onto a particular situation, take a deeper look at it.

What is the challenge teaching you?

Are you helping someone else to learn from this situation?

Is this incident helping you to gain a better understanding of something?

There are multiple ways that you can view any situation. However, you can always choose to view it from a higher perspective.

If the struggle is attached to a soul lesson, ask Archangel Raziel to help you learn the soul lesson. He can also help you learn all the laws of the universe when you ask him to assist you in this process. 

How to Shift Your Perspective

Learning this law of the universe is a process that can easily become part of your daily routine while practicing awareness.

Remember to never compare yourself to others. And embrace your uniqueness. You were not meant to be like anyone else in the world.

Adjusting your perspective when you are dealing with challenges helps you to start healing too. Especially if it's with a recurring struggle.

Take a few moments daily to appreciate what you already have in life. Be grateful for little things and big things. Doing this increases your vibration along with sending out more signals to the universe so you attract even more good things into your life.

Feeling gratitude goes beyond attracting more material items into your life. It significantly enhances your life. This includes with loving friendships, and improving the types of situations you experience in life. 

Using The Law of Perspective

Assume you have a challenging situation that is causing you to feel down. View it from a new perspective while reflecting upon good things in your life.

Also remember that there is always someone else who has struggles much more severe and longer lasting than yours.

Take a break away from everything and get out into nature or any place where you can relax.

Spend as much time as you need for any lower emotions to finish flowing through you. Then uplift yourself again.

Reset your mind and emotions with help from angels and white source light. Especially by meditating in a waterfall of white light with the angels. Playing some relaxing music during your meditation is a wonderful way to re-center yourself within love, light, and peace.

When you are feeling better, then it is much easier to return to a state of love, gratitude, and oneness. 

Master The Law of Perspective

Spend a week or more paying more attention to how you are viewing everything in your daily life.

Notice where you can make improvements. Plus, give yourself credit for all the ways that you are already doing a great job.

If needed, ask the angels to help you with a particular challenge so you are able to form a new mindset around it.

Ask your guardian angel if there is a soul lesson you need to learn from any recurring struggles. Then, be ready to see things in a new way so you are able to leave your old patterns and outdated beliefs in the past.

Mastering the Law of Perspective, or the Law of Relativity, is easier when you continue asking the angels for assistance.

As always, the angels and I send you love and sparkly light. 

About the author
Brenda Lott
Brenda is a certified channeler of angelic healing energies and angel messages. She is also founder of link4din.com/angelic-sparkles-numerology. Her strong connection with the angelic realm allows her open heart to act as a bridge for the angels to flow healing energies to any person, pet, or physical location that is in needed of cleansing, healing, and rejuvenation. 
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